Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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“Pluck” is a noun, and it means courage (valentía, coraje). For example, “Mr. Sanchez does not have a lot of pluck”, meaning that he does


The backstop and Brexit

You will be aware of “Brexit”, the name given to the process of Great Britain´s exit (salida) from the EU. Now the EU and the


Stock and stocks

“Stock” is a noun, verb and an adjective. Let´s look at examples of each form. First, as a noun. Shops “hold” stock (existencias, estoc), or


Are you in the pink?

“Pink” (el color rosa) you may know. Here the interest is in the idioms and expressions that use “pink”. How are you? I am in


Are you a wag?

“Wag” (sacudir, mover, menear) is a verb you may know. Some examples: The dog wagged its tail (el perro sacudió la cola). Mr. Podemos wagged


What a nuisance you are!

Joking (bromeando) of course! A nuisance is something that bothers (molestia) you. So if someone says “what a nuisance” (¡qué lata) he is not happy


Do you potter around?

Perhaps, sometimes? To “potter” means to do somethings in a leisurely way, without specific intentions or specific plans. Sometimes people go to a city and



“Whatever” has different meanings depending (dependiendo de) on the context. It can mean the following: It is not important. It makes no difference. You are


Tasty and tasteful

Food and drink can be tasty (sabrosa), or not. So you can have a tasty dish (un plato sabroso) or a tasty drink. “Tasteful” is



There is more to bananas (la palabra tiene más significados) than just the fruit. A person can “go bananas” which means they become very angry


Have you ever upstaged someone?

Perhaps. “Stage” (escenario, estrado, una etapa) you may know. Here our interest is a different word: upstage. It can refer to the theatre. An example

Advice and Advise

Advice and Advise

These two words are sometimes confused. “Advice” is a noun, and “advise” is a verb. Please note the spelling (la ortografía). Let´s start with “advice”.

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