Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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Are you a fretter?

Perhaps? (¿Quizas?) Sometimes? A mortal that “frets” is in a state of anxiety (estado de ansiedad), who looks visiblyanxious (visiblemente ansioso). Another similar word (verb)

Has someone ruffled your feathers?

Feather (pluma) and feathers you may know. What about “ruffled”? To ruffle (agitar, rizar) something is to move it in a certain way. Sometimes mortals

Giving an opinion (dando una opinión)

In the speaking part of the Cambridge exams, you will get more points for variety of relevant vocabulary and phrases. So, contemplate these: • I

Is Mr. Sanchez “minting it?

“Mint” (menta o hierbabena) you may know, and perhaps you put organic (ecológico) mint in your salads. Or perhaps you make a “mint sauce” (salsa


“Faith” (fe) you may know, the context being religion. There are other uses: examine what follows. A mortal can have faith in (…fe en) a

“Bank” vocabulary +

The river bank (orilla) Bank (banco) and savings bank (caja de ahorros) Bank acceptance (letra de cambio) Bank balance (saldo) Bank charges (comisión) Bank manager

Is life full of hotchpotches?

What is a hotchpotch (mezcolanza, batiburrillo)? A hotchpotch is a confusing or uncoordinated (descoordinado) mixture of things or mortals (mortales). Another phrase that means the

Three sheets to the wind

Three sheets to the wind

As promised, this week we will be exploring the saying ‘three sheets to the wind’. The UK was a seafaring nation and is still very

Bend over backwards

Bend over backwards

‘Bending over backwards’ or to ’bend over backwards’ is an idiom that is over 1000 years old. It is likely to have originated from the

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