Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

Utiliza el buscador para encontrar un artículo en concreto

Are you a good mixer

Are you a good mixer?

A “mixer” (batidora) you may know, and perhaps you have used a mixer to make organic vegetable juice. There are also cement mixers (hormigoneras), and

Are you mighty

Are you mighty?

“Might” you may know. An example: I might (quizás, es posible que vaya…) go to Patagonia in January to visit the penquins. “Mighty” is different.

A cock-and-bull story

A cock-and-bull story

“Cock” (gallo) you may know. Likewise “bull” (toro). However, there is an expression: a cock and bull story. Here is the background. Many moons ago, in

Disinterested or uninterested

Disinterested or uninterested?

Many mortals (including the English, of course) are confused by these words. Many moons ago (hace muchas lunas) the definitions or meanings of these words

Likewise significado


Examine the following: Mr. Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister, says to his friend Mr. Alejandro Morales, a top dog in a Spanish company: “have

Squeal significado inglés


A squeal (chillado) is a high sound or cry. A similar word is shriek. Squeal is also a verb, so people and animals squeak. Examine

On the map?

On the map?

“Map” (plano, mapa) you will know. It is also a verb. Sometimes mortals map an area (levantan un mapa de una zona). Here are some

Have you garnered crops?

Have you garnered crops?

“Garner” has many meanings. It is a verb and a noun. First as a noun. A garner is a granary (granero) or a grain bin



To guess (adivinar) you may know. To “second-guess” something or someone, in British English, means to anticipate (anticiparse), forecast or predict what is going to

A botched job?

A botched job?

To botch something is to do a task badly or not to complete a task, a repair or a project. A “botch” is the noun

Come hither

Come hither

Come hither (ven acá) means “come here”. Hither is an adverb. Some examples of its use: • Come up hither (sube acá). • The man


To La Moncloa in all your finery?

Finery (galas) is a noun, and refers to elegant clothing and other beautiful things such as a natural area or a garden. Examine these: La

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