
Likewise significado

Examine the following:

Mr. Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister, says to his friend Mr. Alejandro Morales, a top dog in a Spanish company: “have a good weekend”. Mr. Morales replies by saying “likewise”.

Perhaps in Spanish you would say “igualmente”. So likewise, in this context can mean “the same to you”, but remember the golden rule: one word is better than many words.

Mortals often “do likewise” (hacer el mismo) or “feel likewise”.

Some examples:

  • Ricardo has written a complaint letter to Mr. Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister. Perhaps, I should do likewise (…debería hacer lo mismo).
  • Mr. Casado, the Popular Party leader, is angry with Mr. Sanchez about the pardons (indultos) to the Catalan politicians. I am sure that other people feel likewise. (…de que otras personas se sienten del mismo modo).

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