A cock-and-bull story

A cock-and-bull story

“Cock” (gallo) you may know. Likewise “bull” (toro).

However, there is an expression: a cock and bull story. Here is the background.

Many moons ago, in the 17th century, mortals would travel in carriages (carruajes) from London between Birmingham. During the journey, the carriages would stop at 2 inns (posadas) in a town called Stony Stratford and the horses would be changed. The two inns were called “The Cock” and “The Bull”.

The banter (guasa) of the travellers in these two inns often consisted of exaggerated stories.

So, we have the expression “a cock-and-bull story” which refers to a story that is probably not true and a story that people usually do not believe. Perhaps in Spanish something similar is “cuento chino”.

So, have you heard a few cock-and-bull stories? Probably. Politicians are often experts in such stories!


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