Have you garnered crops?

Have you garnered crops?

“Garner” has many meanings. It is a verb and a noun. First as a noun. A garner is a granary (granero) or a grain bin (silo de granos).

Now as a verb. It has a number of meanings (ganar, obtener, conseguir, recoger) according to context.
Contemplate these examples:

• The children were helping to garner the crops (… están ayudando a recoger las cosechas).

• Mr. Casado, the Popular Party leader in Spain, needs to garner more votes (…necesita conseguir más votos).

• Mr. Sánchez, the Spanish Prime Minister, is struggling to garner enough votes for the 2022 budget (…está luchando por obtener votos suficientes para el presupuesto…).

• Mr. Sanchez has made attempts to garner votes with gifts.

• Mr. Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister, garnered praise from his colleagues for his hard work re climate change (…conseguía elogios de sus colegas por trabajar…).

• Mr. Morales has garnered many Ferarris over the last 30 years (…ha adquirido…)

So perhaps you have garnered praise for work you have done, you have garnered oats (avenas) for a garner, you have garnered many Ferarris, and are busy garnering support for your favourite political party.


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