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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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Boris Johnson and Macron bromance

Are bromances bewildering?

Emmanuel Macron, se reune con al primer ministro británico, Boris Johnson. /EFE EPA CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON Nowadays, the frequent answer could be yes. “Bromance” you

What do you hanker after

What do you hanker after?

To hanker (anhelar) is to have a strong desire for, or yearn for, something. The origins of the word come from Dutch in the 1600´s,

Have you ever been hampered

Have you ever been hampered?

Probably, I conjecture. First the word as a noun: hamper. A hamper is a type of basket (canasto, cesto) with a lid which mortals use

An overhaul

An overhaul?

An “overhaul” (una renovación completa o reforma exhaustiva) is a fundamental reform of a system, organisation or machine. Contemplate these examples. Mr. Feijóo, the Popular

Drones and drones

Drones and drones

Drone has many meanings. One meaning (dron/drone) you may have seen frequently in the context of military operations. Sometimes, companies use drones to take photographs.


Spanish politics and scapegoats

What is a scapegoat? Goat (cabra you will know) and scape, perhaps. A scape (bohordo) is a flower stalk (tallo de flor). When scape and

Moving to new pastures

Moving to new pastures?

“Pasture” (prado) and pastures (pastos) you may know. Sometimes mortals use the phrase “pasture land” (tierra de pastoreo, pradera). Now an expression: if a person

Are mores changing

Are mores changing?

“Mores” (costumbres) are traditional customs or accepted ways of behaviour. Many societies and countries are based on principles or rules of behaviour called “mores”. The

Are you sometimes an ape

Are you sometimes an ape?

“Ape” (simio) you may know. However, the word has other uses. An ape can be a clumsy (torpe) person, and “ to ape” someone is

Are you sometimes toady

Are you sometimes toady?

“Toad” (sapo) you may know. “Toady” is different. If someone is toady, he is one who artificially praises (elogia artificialmente a…) someone, in order to

A modicum of knowledge

A modicum of knowledge?

Consider this sentence: I only have a modicum of knowledge about economics. This means that I only have a little knowledege. So “modicum” (= un

Safe haven

Safe haven?

You may have heard mortals talk about a “safe haven”. Those mortals are often “unthinking” (irreflexivos). Why? The concept of a haven (refugio) includes the

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