Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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Are you a nemophilist

Are you a nemophilist?

Perhaps. The word is very similar in Spanish (nemofilista). The pronunciation is “ne-mo-fe-list”. It refers to a person who loves forests or wooded (boscosas) areas,


Sometimes flummoxed?

Perhaps, if you be a mere mortal (simple mortal). “Flummox” (confundir, desconcertar) is a verb, and flummoxed is the adjective. To be flummoxed is to


Is Mr. Sanchez guilty of «phoniness»?

“Phoney” is an adjective meaning false, and it has no connection to “phone”. The noun is phoniness (falsedad). If a mortal is phoney that person


Do you have some velleities?

A velleity (una veleidad) is something that you wish to do, but you do not put into action. Or in other words a velleity is


Too much claptrap?

“Clap” (palmoteo, or as a verb aplaudir) and “trap” (trampa) you may know. The words together have another meaning. First, a short history lesson. In 18th


That is complete poppycock!

“Poppy” (amapola), the flower, you may know, and “cock” (gallo, macho) too. “Poppycock” is not connected with these two words. Poppycock refers to something that

Tailors measure girths

Tailors measure girths

“Girth” has a number of uses. Horses wearing a saddle (silla de montar) also have a girth (cincha), that is, a strap (correa) that goes

Financial squalls ahead?

Financial squalls ahead?

“Squalls” (borrascas) you may know: they are gusts of wind and rain. There are other uses too. Babies often squall (chillan), and a squall can


Beset by problems?

“To be beset” has a range of meanings. It can mean having persistent problems, and to be surrounded by something (problems/things). It collocates with “with”

Are you an agelast

Are you an agelast?

I hope not. An agelast is a person who is humourless (arisco) or mirthless (triste, sin alegría, que carece de sentido de humor). The word

What irks you

What irks you?

To irk (molestar, fastidiar, irritar) a mortal is to anger, irritate or annoy the person. Examine these examples. What irks you? ¿Qué es lo que

Do you pine for things or a mortal?

Do you pine for things or a mortal?

Perhaps. But first, a simple use: a pine tree (pino). So there are “pine needles (agujas de pino), pine nuts (piñones) and pine cones (piñas).

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