Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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“Thus” is an adverb and can mean “so far” “until now”, “in this way” (de este modo), “as a result”, “consequently”   and “therefore”. Here are



Being verbose (verboso) will annoy your listener or reader. You will also waste their time and yours. Our focus here is on phrases that connect



“Flock” is a noun and a verb. First, as a verb. A large number of sheep or birds together is a flock: a flock (bandada)



“Dwell” is a verb meaning “vivir” and “morar”. The past simple and past participle is “dwelt”. Study these examples: Mr. Morales dwells (vive) in Puerto



“Abide” is a verb, often used in negative contexts. It is similar to “aguantar” or soportar”. Here are examples: I cannot abide him (no lo

A Peer and to peer

A Peer and to peer

“Peer” is a noun and a verb. Let´s start with the noun. A peer is a lord (un lord o noble) who has the right

double negatives

Double negatives?

In English two (or more) negative words in a sentence is wrong. Let´s look at the idea of a “double negative”. “No….nada” is not correctly


Is life a slog?

For many people life is a “slog”. “Slog” is a noun and a verb. As a verb it refers to something that is difficult or



“Wet” you will know as mojado. Here the focus is on two idioms using “wet”. Consider these: Mr. Sanchez is “wet behind the ears”. This


I do not have a bean!

“Bean” you may know (alubia), and “kidney beans” (judías) too. You may also know that Mr. Bean looks like Mr. Zapatero (Mr. B se parece



“Bitter” is an adjective than can describe a drink, a medicine, a person, a struggle (una lucha), a disappointment (desilusión) and a person. Here are



“Actually” is an adverb, and it is usually used for emphasis. It means “en realidad”. Consider these examples: Mr. Corbyn is actually not very intelligent

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