

“Bitter” is an adjective than can describe a drink, a medicine, a person, a struggle (una lucha), a disappointment (desilusión) and a person.

Here are some examples:

  • Noor´s vegetable juice tasted bitter (Noor´s zumo de verduras sabia amargo).
  • It is bitter in England today (hace un frio glacial). Or it is bitterly cold in England today.
  • The people in Venezuela are involved (involucrado en) in a bitter struggle (una lucha enconada).
  • Mr. Sanchez is going to continue to the bitter end (…va a continuar hasta el final amargo).
  • Mr. Podemos is a bitter person (una persona resentida).

On a lighter note (una nota ligera), there is a rather nice beer in England described as “bitter”. So when you go to a pub (un bar) you say “a pint of bitter please” (una pinta de cerveza amarga, por favor). Quite a nice beer. Try it.


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