Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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Steel yourself

Steel yourself!

Steel (acero) and stainless steel (acero inoxidable) you may know. Here the focus is on expressions that use “steel”. A person can be “a man

Are you going to confer

Are you going to confer?

Are you going to confer with the King of Spain? Confer can refer to two things: to discuss something, to grant something. Examine these examples.

Have you ever ridden a nag?

Have you ever ridden a nag?

“Nag” (jamelgo) is a noun referring to an old horse. So you may have ridden an old horse or a nag. Nag is also a

Is the converse true

Is the converse true?

You may know the word “converse” (conversar). Mortals converse, and some mortals “converse” by signs (hablan por señas). Converse has other meanings. “The converse”, the

Is life full of hitches

Is life full of hitches?

Sometimes mortals “hitch a lift” (hacer autostop) and that person is then a “hitchhiker” (autoestopista). An example: Mr. Podemos hitched a lift (hizo autostop) from



An impromptu action is something that has not been planned and is spontaneous (espontaneo). Contemplate these: Ricardo had to give an impromptu sermon (sermón improvisado)

Are you in dire straits

Are you in dire straits?

A “strait” (estrecho) is something that is narrow, and usually refers to a narrow channel of water that connects to larger seas. So mortals speak

Do you like the limelight

Do you like the limelight?

“Light” (luz) you will know. Lime has two meanings: the fruit (lima) and a substance, calcium oxide (cal) obtained from limestone (caliza). So what is

The subjunctive

The subjunctive

Spanish speakers know how to use the subjunctive (subjuntivo) because it is endemic (endémico) in the Spanish language. Many English people hardly use the subjunctive

Are you crafty?

Are you crafty?

“Are you crafty” is a confusing question. “Craft” ( arte, artesanía) you may know. Crafty has many uses, so the context is important. To be



You may have seen the word “seldomly”. It looks like an adverb. However, the word is an error, and a common error by many mortals,


Have you been fleeced?

Fleece (lana, el vellón) is a sheep´s wooly coat and what shearers cut off sheep. Some examples: The shearers cut off the fleece from the

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