Blog para aprender inglés online

Si quisiera mejorar o aprender inglés, este blog podría ser su ayudante.

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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I posit that….

When someone “posits” that person is putting forward an opinion or an argument that he believes to be true. Scientists posit many ideas or hypotheses


Is Mr. Sanchez going off at half-cock?

“Cock” (gallo) you may know. You probably have a “cockstop” (llave de paso) in your kitchen and bathroom.   Guns also have a “cock” (martillo). Examine


Are you in fine feather?

Feather (pluma) you may know. Here our focus is on idioms (modismos) that use feather. When a mortal asks you how you are, you could


Do you have an axe to grind?

“Axe” (hacha) you may know. Here the focus is on idioms (modismos) that use “axe”. Consider these: • Some people have been given the axe.

say cheese

Say Cheese

«Cheese» (queso) you may know. Here the focus is on expressions that use “cheese”. Examine these: • I am cheesed off with the government´s policy.

Me or I

Me or I?

How often have you heard this phrase: “it is me”. Many times even by (incluso por) native English speakers. The “it is me” is wrong.


Do you sometimes sit on the fence?

“Fence” (valla, cerca) you may know. An area can be fenced (zona cercada o vallada). “Fencing” is also a sport (esgrima). One can also “fence


Are you an ostrich?

“Ostrich” (avestruz) you may know. It is a bird that has long legs, cannot fly, but can run very fast. Here our focus is on

Cooped up

Cooped up?

A “coop” (gallinero) is a place where chickens are sometimes kept. Another word for the same is “henhouse”. Sometimes, chickens “fly the coop”, that is,



Banana (plátano) is a word you will know. The word is also part of some interesting expressions. Consider these: • Sometimes people “go bananas”. This


Chin Chin!

You may know “Chin-Chin” (¡chin-chin!). It is used when you would like to toast (to toast = brindar a alguien) someone or some mortals. So,


That is beyond my ken

The name “Ken” you may know. It is a shorter versión of the name Kenneth. However, “ken” has other uses. “Ken” is a noun and

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