Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

Utiliza el buscador para encontrar un artículo en concreto


To pelt

“Pelt” has a number of uses. It is a noun: an animal´s pelt (pellejo/piel/cuero) is an animal´s skin. Many moons ago settlers in the prairies

Going under

Going under?

“Go under” you may know. Mortals sometimes drive their cars “under a bridge” (…por debajo un puente). There are other uses. It can mean to



A “placard” is a sign (cartel) or announcement (letrero), for example, on a wall. In demonstrations mortals often “carry placards” (pancartas) to express a point


That is my affair!

Affair (caso, asunto) you may know. The word has many uses. It can refer to an event (evento), an occasion, and a matter. Examine these:



Do not confuse this word (afield) with a field (prado). “Afield” is an adverb. A place can be “far afield (muy lejos). Contemplate these examples:


You are cramping my style!

“Cramp” you may know. You have cramp in a muscle or cramp (calamabre, rampa) in your leg. Sometimes, people have “stomach cramp” (retortijones en el

Crag and craggy

Crag and craggy

“Crag” (risco) you may know. Mountains and cliffs sometimes have crags. Those mountains are craggy. However, there is another use of “craggy” A person can



Shoestring (lazo) you may know. Here the focus is on idioms (modismos) that use “shoestring”. Examine these: Mr. Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister, runs


Is everthing ship-shape?

“Ship” (barco, buque) you will probably know. Here the emphasis is on idioms and expressions. Examine these: Is everything ship-shape (¿todo es ordenado?). Mortals also


¿Media – singular or plural?

“Media” is a plural word, and the singular is “medium”. Often media is used incorrectly. Examine this sentence: The media have covered the story about


¿Data – singular or plural?

“Data” is plural meaning lots of information. It is often used incorrectly. The word comes from Latin where the plural froms of a word often


Hovel or very dilapidated house

Good English speakers and writers prefer to use a “rich noun” (sustantivo rico) rather than some adjectives. Examine this example: Mr. Podemos lives in a

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