Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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In mourning

In mourning

Great Britain is “in mourning” for (de luto por) the “recently departed” (= recently died) Queen Elizabeth the 2nd. To “mourn for” is similar to

Memorials at the Death of Queen Elizabeth II inside Oxford Circus Station

Passed away

The Queen of Great Britain “passed away” recently. To “pass away” means to die. Given that the event was recent the present perfect is used:

A top-up

A top-up?

To “top-up” is to refill or replenish (recargar, cargar, rellenar) something, to add a quantity of something or a sum of money. When you have

Do not be cagey

Do not be cagey!

“Cage” (jaula) you may know. There are other cages: rib cages (cajas torácicas), bird cages. When animals are transported they are often put in cages.

The cut of your jib

The cut of your jib

Are you a sailor (marinero)? If so, you need to know what a jib (foque) is. It is a small sail used at the front

Avoid hyperbole

Avoid hyperbole?

Hyperbole (hipérbole) is similar in Spanish. Mortals use hyperbole to exaggerate, overstate or emphasize something or to make a point, although literally the sentence is

Napkin or serviette

Napkin or serviette?

You may have seen or heard napkin (servilleta) and serviette (again, servilleta). They could be made of cloth or paper, and are used to to

Bonded to bonds

Bonded to bonds?

Bond has many uses. Mortals often buy bonds (bonos), a type of debt certificate. In the financial and world of goverment, governments “issue” bonds, and

Put on your thinking cap

Put on your thinking cap!

“Cap” (gorra) you may know: mortals sometimes wear them. There are also swimming caps (gorros) and golf caps. Bottles have caps (tapones) and some cars

Stop Fencing

Stop fencing!

“Fence” (cerca, valla) you may know. Often fences are made of wood, but mortals also make wire fences (alambradas). A “fence” (reducidor) can also be

Are you an oddball

Are you an oddball?

“Odd” (impar, raro) you may know, and “ball” too. What is an “oddball”? Things can be oddball (strange) and so can mortals. If you say

In a nutshell

In a nutshell….

“Nutshell” (cáscara de nuez) you may know. But what about “in a nutshell”? If you would like to express something in few words, you could

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