Are you an oddball?

Are you an oddball

“Odd” (impar, raro) you may know, and “ball” too. What is an “oddball”?

Things can be oddball (strange) and so can mortals. If you say that someone is an oddball (bicho raro, estrafalario, excéntrico) it is similar to saying that the person is strange or eccentric or quite different from “normal” people.

Contemplate these examples:

  • It seems that I am an oddball (parece que soy el raro): I do not fit in (yo no encajo…) with society.
  • Mr. Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister, has an oddball sense of humour.
  • Mr. Podemos is fed up with feeling like an oddball (…está harto de sentirse raro.)

So, are you an oddball? Do you know an oddball?


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