Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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“Rock” (roca, peñasco, peñón) you may know. I imagine that some Spanish politicians also understand the word “rock”, as they clamour (clamorear) for Spain to



This word looks similar to “oscuro”, but is can be a “false friend”. So please note the following. “Obscure” means “oscuro” in the context of

Neither and either

Neither and either

Sometimes these words are confusing for Spanish speakers. Let´s start with three rules: Neither and either are only for two things or people. Neither is


The idiom ball

Let’s look at the use of the word “ball” in idioms (modismos). It has some interesting uses and here are some examples. Mr. Rajoy is

Me neither

Me neither

Have you heard this phrase, “me neither”, before? Sadly (lamentablemente). From an American, for certain, and an Englishman, probably. It is wrong. Would you say

All and every

All and every

Consider these sentences: Every book (cada libro) on the table is the same. All the books (todos los libros) on the table are the same.

It is him

It is him. Right or wrong?

Wrong. I imagine that you may have heard this sentence many times from native English speakers. The correct version is “it is he”. “He” is


Is your Rolex genuine?

“Genuine” has a range of meanings. It can mean “authentic” (auténtico) and sincere (sincero y genuino). Examine these examples in the sense of authentic: Mr.


What do you deduce from this?

Consider this sentence: Part of Ester’s salary was deduced because she did not go to work for a week. This (above) sentence makes no sense

Compromise or compromiso

Compromise or compromiso

Is this sentence correct? Ester cannot go to the opera in Santa Cruz because of a previous compromise. The short answer is no. “Compromise” means



Be careful with “crude”. It looks similar to “crudo” but there are differences. Consider this sentence: Ester likes eating crude carrots. This is wrong. The



“Agenda” is not the same in Spanish and English. The word usually means (significa) “orden del día”. It can also be used figuratively (figuradamente). This

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