Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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“Professor” and “teacher” are used differently in Spanish and English. A professor (un catedrático) works in a university and he is the most senor academic


Prestigious and duplicity

“Prestigious” you may know or guess – in Spanish (prestigioso) the word is similar. So, you might say that Porsche and Rolls Royce are prestigious

Polling day

Polling day

The 26th of May is “polling day” for the European Parliament. Polling day (día de las elecciones) is the day people vote in elections. So,



“Enough is a pronoun (bastante, suficiente), an adjective and an adverb. First, let´s examine the basic rules for “enough”. “Enough” goes before a noun, and



Goose (ganso) you may know. The plural is “geese”. Here our focus is on idioms (modismos) that use the word goose. Consider these: It is


Are you sometimes erratic?

I imagine not. People are sometimes erratic in temperament (imprevisible o voluble), and someone’s performance at work could be erratic (irregular). You could say that

It is them

It is them

“It is them” is a common mistake by many English speakers, used when referring to a group of people.  Don´t make the same mistake. Would


I do not have a bean!

“Bean” you may know (alubia, judía, habichuela). Here are focus is on expressions that use “bean”. Mull (reflexione sobre) over these: I don`t have a


To beseech someone

Have you ever beseeched someone for something? Probably. To beseech something is to ask for something (suplicar a alguien que haga algo), suggesting that you



The word “bill” is a noun and a verb. First, as a noun. A bill is similar to an invoice (factura o cuenta), although “bill”



“Boot” you may know as “bota”. It is possible that you have a “pair of boots” (un par de botas). ”Boot” is also a verb.



“Fish” (pez y pescado) you may know. In English we only have one word – we like to keep things simple. This article focuses on

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