

“Boot” you may know as “bota”. It is possible that you have a “pair of boots” (un par de botas).

”Boot” is also a verb. For example:

  • Mr. Morales booted the ball into the net (Señor Morales metió el balón en la red de una patada)

However, in this article the focus is on the idioms that use “boot”.

If a company gives someone “the boot” (despedir a alguien) it means that the person is sacked from his job. For example:

  • Mrs. May should be given the boot (deberia ser despedido, o deberia ser echado) by the Conservative Party.

Perhaps the Conservative Party members of Parliament “should put the boot in“ (deberian obrar decisivamente) and give Mrs. May the boot.

Some people “die with their boots on” (algunas personas mueren con las botas puestas) meaning that they continue to work until their death, or die while they are still working for a living.

Some people “quake (temblar) in their boots” (le temblan las piernas), and other people “lick someone’s boots (hacer la pelotilla a algn) to obtain favours.

In negotiations the situation can change and the “boot is on the other foot» (ahora se ha dado vuelta a la tortilla), meaning that the other person has the problem.

So, when you next put on a pair of boots to go walking in the Anaga mountains, you could contemplate working until you die, that is die with your boots on. Or perhaps you “should hang up your boots” (deberia colgar las botas) and retire at 65.


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