Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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A last for your shoes?

“Last” you may know. It has many uses (ultimo, durar). If you be a shoemaker or shoe repairer (zapatero) you will know what a “last”


Machinations in La Moncloa?

Machinations (maquinaciones) is a plural noun, and usually refers to plotting, scheming, and manipulations – usually in governments or political parties – for the control



“Boots” (botas) you may know. You may have a pair of boots (un par de botas) for winter walks in Tenerife. Here the focus is


A plum job?

“Plums” (ciruelas) you may know, and these grow on plum trees. In English cuisine there are “plum puddings”, and plum tomatoes (tomate pera). It is


The onus is on you

“Onus” (responsabilidad) is a noun and it means responsibility. The plural is onuses. Examine these examples: The onus is on the manufacturers to produce a


Horses for courses

“Horse” (caballo) you know. Here the emphasis is on the idioms that use “horse”. Contemplate these: He is a “dark horse”. A person who is


Is it just hype?

“Hype” is a noun and usually refers to exaggerations (exageraciones). There is a lot of hype (bombo publicitario) when Mr. Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister,


Haphazard cities?

“Haphazard” is an adjective, and it refers to things done in a random or careless (descuidado) way. Some cities are haphazard. This often refers to


Are you penny wise?

A “penny” (penique) is part of the British pound (libra). There are 100 pennies in a pound. If a person is “penny-wise” (mirar el dinero),



“Jam” (mermelada) you may know, and you may know the word “packed” (infinitive = pack). “Jam-packed” (abarrotado, atestado) can refer to a room full of



For Spanish speakers “traduce” is a third person singular verb:  In English “traduce” has nothing to do with translate. If a person “traduces” (difama) someone,


Are you making megabucks?

A “buck” is colloquial for the USA dollar, and “mega” means “súper”. So if someone is making a lot of money, people say “he is

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