An organized mortal has an agenda (orden del dia) for a meeting. Points to discuss and agree upon are “put on the agenda” (…incluidos en el orden del día).
People often “have their own agenda” (…tienen sus propias prioridades), which means that they want something and are not interested in the priorities that societies or others may have.
Mr. Sánchez, has his own agenda: to stay in office (as Prime MInister) as long as possible, even if it means doing deals with dubious (sospechosos) characters.
Points can be “high on an agenda” meaning that they are very important. Dealing with Covid 19 should be high on the government´s agenda (debería ocupar un lugar prominente en el programa del gobierno).
People can also “set the agenda” (marcar la pauta/fijar el programa). Political leaders often “set the agenda” for the coming years. That is, they have a visión of the future and that visión becomes dominant in the political debate.
What is on your agenda for tomorrow? This question refers to what are your plans for tomorrow: what are the things that you plan to do. Remember that “agenda” in English does not mean “diary”.
So, I imagine that you have asked for topics to be put on an agenda, and you have written the agenda for a meeting. Or perhaps you have written the minutes (las actas). Some things are high on your agenda, be they personal values or beliefs, or priorities at home and work.