Likes – Its declensions


For a review of the basic use of like – and its common mistakes.

Now we examine its declensions.

First, as a noun. There six forms, a “liking”, a “likeness”, “like”, “likes”, “dislikes” and “likelihood”. Let´s review them by example:

  • There is a strong likelihood (probabilidad) of a third general election in Spain in 2016.
  • I have taken a liking to (afición a) expensive champagne.
  • Alejandro´s likes and dislikes (lo que le gusta y no le gusta) are a long story.
  • Mr. Podemos does not mix with the likes of us (no se codea con gente como nosotros).
  • Judges and lawyers and the like (y otra gente por el estilo) attended the reception.
  • You can see the likeness (semejanza) between ZP and Mr. Bean.

Second, as adjectives, negative and positive:

  • Mr. Bean is a likeable fellow (un tipo agradable).
  • Mrs May is the most likely candidate (la candidata con más posibilidades) for the PM´s job.
  • Rain is likely (probable) tomorrow.
  • It is unlikely (menos probable) that Mr. Corbyn will win a general election.
  • Mr. Smith and his wife are an unlikely couple (una extraña pareja).

Third, as a verb, “liken” meaning “comparar”, to compare.

  • I liken Mr. Gove´s behaviour to treachery.

Now as an adverb, likewise (asimismo o igualmente).

  • Likewise, it is true that the lower value of the pound will boost exports.

Finally, there is the compound (compuesto) adjective “like-minded”, meaning “con ideas afines” or “de igual parecer”. Here is an example:

  • Mr. Rivera and Mr. Sanchez are like-minded in their rejection of Podemos.

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