To crown it all

To crown it all

Crown (coronar, corona) you may know. The pronunciation is this: kraun. As in Spanish it is a verb and a noun.

This month King Charles the 3rd was crowned (fue coronado) King of Great Britain in a ceremony, a coronation (coronación) ceremony that has been the same for more than 1000 years.

Crown has other uses. Dentists sometimes put a crown (corona) on mortals´ teeth, and in sport the winner wins “ the crown”, the top prize.

There is an expression. A person might say “to crown it all” (para colmo/como remate final) meaning that it is the most important aspect or the last aspect: it could be negative or positive.

An example.

• Mr. Sanchez has been trying to change the members of the top court in Spain so that it reflects his views. That is bad enough (eso es bastante malo).

To crown it all (para coronarlo todo), he has ignored Parliament in his attempts to do it. He has sidelined (se ha dejado al margen al Parlamento…) the Parliament in this process.

Another example of an expression: “to crown with success”.

• “May your efforts be crowned with success” (… sean coronados…). Here someone is expressing a desire that you achieve something, that you reach your goal.

So, did you watch the coronation of King Charles the 3rd? Did you see the crown that was placed on his head? Do you hope that his reign (reinado) be crowned with success?


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