Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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Dracon and Draconian

In the 7th century BC (BC = before Christ or AC) there was an Athenian (ateniense) ruler called Dracon (sometimes written as Draco), and he



“Superfluity” (la superfluidad) is a mistake. Why? It should be obvious. By being superfluous, you are likley to bore your reader or listener, and they

May I or Can I

May I or Can I

Have you heard this question before (perhaps when someone comes to your home or office): Can I sit down? What does it mean? “Can” is


Do you use litotes?

The answer is probably yes. Consider this: how are you? Not bad (= I am quite well). You have just used a litote (the word


What maddens you?

“Mad” you may know. Someone could be mad (demente) or insane, according to doctors. You could do a mad thing (a very stupid thing) or


¿Are you stuck in a rut?

First, “rut” as a noun. A “rut” is a furrow (surco) made by a wheel. A car can get “stuck in a rut”. It is



“Iron” (hierro) you may know. An iron (plancha) is what is used to smooth clothes after washing them. So you “iron out” the creases. Here

Fill out or fill in

Fill out or fill in?

These two phrasal verbs are often used wrongly. In the English language we “fill in” (rellenar) forms (formularios, impresos).   It is wrong to say (as



If something is “crass”, it is stupid, usually very stupid (extremo, craso). A person can be crass, (maleducado, grosero) meaning that his behavour or character



“Core” is a noun, part of a compound (compuesto) noun and a verb. First, as a basic noun. Fruit such as apples have a core



“Moon” (luna) you may know, and you may have heard someone say there is a “full moon” (luna llena). When we want to speak about



“Racket” is both a noun and a verb. You may know that it is used in tennis (raqueta). That is easy. “Racket” has other uses.

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