Blog para aprender inglés online

Si quisiera mejorar o aprender inglés, este blog podría ser su ayudante.

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

Utiliza el buscador para encontrar un artículo en concreto


Are you a mole?

“Mole” (topo) you may know as the small black animal that digs tunnels under the ground, perhaps under your lawn. A mole is also a



A person that is “diffident” (tímido) lacks confidence, or is shy. The noun is “diffidence”, meaning a lack of confidence. Some people have a diffident

it is me

It is me

You may have heard “it is me” many times, especially by Americans and native English speakers. It is wrong. Why? “Me” is an indirect object


How do you gauge the situation?

A gauge (calibrador) is an instrument that measures things. Captains and pilots in the cockpit (cabina) check many gauges during a flight. Railway tracks have


Do you wear the trousers?

“Trousers” (pantalones) you will know. You can wear “shorts” (pantalones cortos), and perhaps when you go to El Corte Inglés you might buy a pair


Do not have truck with the Devil

Truck (camión) you may know. A similar word is lorry. The word “truck” also is a verb and it means to exchange, to barter (trocar)


It was bird seed, the Porsche?

Seed (semilla, simiente, grano, pepita) you may know. Perhaps you have seen the phrase “he is the number one seed” (= él es cabeza de


Are you a doll?

Doll (muñeca) you may know. Young girls often have a “doll´s house. However, there are some expressions that use the word. Consider these: You “are


Is whisky excisable?

“Excise” is a noun and refers to an tax on goods when they enter a country. So you will see the words “excise duty” (duty

up a gum tree

Are you “up a gum tree”?

“Gum” you may know. It refers to a number of things (encía, goma, pegamento, resina). Were you to climb a gum tree (árbol de goma,


Are you a dabbler?

To dabble means to “shake about in liquid”. For example, you may have “dabbled your feet in water or in the sea” (chapoteado con los


Do you sometimes ferry people?

«Ferry» (barco de pasaje) you may know. A person who works on a ferry is a ferryman (barquero), and the place where the boat docks

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