Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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“Caretaker” has a number of uses. It is a noun. Schools and apartment blocks normally have caretakers (porteros, vigilantes, conserjes). A similar word is “janitor”


Is it crunch time?

To crunch (mascar, ronzar) you may know. Mortals often crunch an apple (…ronzan una manzana) or a biscuit. The apple or biscuit might be “crunchy”


Have you been a sitter?

The answer is probably. If someone decides to paint your portrait (retrato) you are a sitter (modelo). You might also have worked as a “babysitter”


Trundling along?

To “trundle” is to progress slowly and perhaps with difficulty. It also refers to something on wheels that is moving slowly. Some examples: Gilberto trundled



“Alas” expresses sadness or regret. Perhaps the nearest options in Spanish would be ¡qué pena! ¡qué lástima! or “desgraciadamente”. Examine these: You are asked a


Do you have a silken voice?

“Silken” comes from “silk” (seda). Sometimes females wear a silken (de seda) dress, and also “silken hats” (sombreros de copa). There are silk “industries” industrias


In your midst

“Midst” is a noun, and it can refer to a place or the middle of an event where there are some or many mortals (mortales).


Inclement weather

We have had “inclement” weather in February. This means that the weather has been chilly, wintry (de invierno), freezing, cold or “brass-monkey weather” (un dicho


Are you in cloud cuckoo land?

“Cuckoo” ( cuco, cuclillo) you may know. Perhaps you have a cuckoo clock (reloj de cuco) in your house. “Cuckoo” has other uses. If someone

Different and tautology

Different and tautology

This word you will know. However, it is often used incorrectly even by the Cambridge University exam organisation. If you have done a Cambridge listening


Do you sometimes natter?

The answer to this question is “probably”. To natter is to talk casually, usually about unimportant things. Sometimes mortals “have a natter (una charla) or


Scorching comments from Boris Johnson

«Scorching» (abrasador), the adjective, you may know. Sometimes we have a very hot day (hace un calor tremendo) or scorching day. You might say that

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