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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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“Odd” (raro, extraño you may know. Oddly is the adverb. Mortals sometimes behave “oddly” (de una manera extraña), and they also “dress oddly”. There is

babble on

Do you sometimes babble on?

I hope not. To “babble on” is to talk foolishly (tontamente) or unintelligibly (ininteligiblemente).


Can things be unfunny?

Yes is the answer. Many mortals will say “not funny” and that is correct. “Unfunny” is simply another way to say “not funny”. Remember the


What is your agenda?

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What is your agenda?
An organized mortal has an agenda (orden del dia) for a meeting.


To Allocate

Mortals (mortales) allocate (asignar, repartir) things or tasks to other mortals or organisations. Resources, seats and tasks “are allocated”. Study these examples: • Mr. Sánchez,


Is the government on a slippery slope?

“Slippery” (rebaladizo, escurridizo) you may know. A surface or road can be slippery, and an object or a fish can be slippery. Slope you may


Is something driving you dotty?

“Dotty” is an adjective and it is similar to crazy, nonsensical or outlandish. A plan can be dotty (disparatado, estrafalario) and a person can be


Have you ever displayed ire?

If someone shows ire, it is an obvious display of anger. Examine these sentences: Mr. Sanchez´s plan to raise taxes has drawn the ire of


One sheep, two sheep…

Some words are the same whether singular of plural. Sheep (oveja) is one such word. There are others. Here are 8 more: * Aircraft (but


What do you moot?

“Moot” is an adjective, a noun and a verb. First, as a verb. If a mortal “moots” something, he is introducing, suggesting or presenting a


A Spanish trick on the English for sensible

Beware of the Spanish trick (travesura) on the English. “Sensible” in Spanish does not mean sensible in English. Sensible = “sensato”. Sensible in English means



“Overall” (general/de conjunto) you may know. The word is often used unwisely. Examine these: Overall, Mr. Sanchez´s Covid vaccine programme has been a disaster. My

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