If someone shows ire, it is an obvious display of anger. Examine these sentences:
- Mr. Sanchez´s plan to raise taxes has drawn the ire of the people (…ha provocado la ira de la gente).
“Ire” (ira) is another word for anger or wrath (furor). It is a noun, and the adjective is “ireful”.
- Despite the ire of Mr. Sanchez (a pesar de la cólera del Señor Sanchez…), Mr. Podemos has suggested taxes of 80% on the middle class.
Now the adjective and adverb (irefully).
- He is such an ireful (iracundo) person, always displaying his anger.
- He irefully (airadamente) attacked the government´s plans for lower taxes.
So, have you ever displayed ire? Or perhaps behaved irefully? Has a mortal sometimes said that you are ireful?