What are the odds?


“Odd” (raro, extraño) you may know – it is similar to “strange”. There is an expression: how odd (¡que raro! ¡que curioso). Also, in mathematics there are odd (impar) numbers, such as 3 and 7.

“The odds” is different. This refers to the chances of something (puntos de ventaja). Some examples:

  • What are the odds of Mr. Sanchez winning the December general election? ¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de…?
  • The odds are not in his favour ( no lo tiene todo a su favor…) according to the opinión polls (los sondeos).
  • Mr. Sanchez hopes to succeed against all the odds (…espera tener éxito en contra de todas las predicciones).
  • The odds are that he will lose (lo más probable es que él perderá).

So what odds do you give Mr. Sanchez. Does Mr. Feejoo have better odds?

There are many other uses of this word: for a later article.


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