Please explain please


“Please” as in “por favor” you know. It is normal for an Englishman to say “please” as part of a request. “Please” is also a verb.

Let´s examine the verb. To please someone is similar to “make happy” or satisfy. In Spanish you have “complacer”, “agradar” and “contentar”. Consider these examples.

  • Mr. Rajoy cannot please all the people all the time (Señor Rajoy no puede complacer a todo el mundo todo el tiempo).
  • Mr. Podemos is hard to please (Mr. Podemos es difícil de contentar).
  • I did it to please you (lo hice únicamente para agradarte).


It is also similar to prefer (preferir) or like. Examine these:

  • Mr. Corbyn does whatever he pleases (…hace lo que le place).
  • Do as you please (haz lo que te dé la gana).

Related words are “pleased” (estar contento o satisfecho) and “pleasing” (agradable, grato, satisfactorio) as adjectives. Please review these examples:

  • I was pleased to hear the news (la noticia me alegró).
  • I am pleased about the decision (me alegro de la decision).
  • Pleased to meet you! ¡Encantado de conocerlo!
  • I am pleased that you could make it (cómo me alegro de que hayas podido venir).
  • Mr. Mozart’s music is pleasing to the ear (la música de Mozart es grato al oído).
  • The painting is aesthetically pleasing (la pintura es agradable desde el punto de vista estético).

So, I hope you are pleased that you have learnt about the word “please”!


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