Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

Utiliza el buscador para encontrar un artículo en concreto

Can you take a hint?

Can you take a hint?

“Hint” is a noun and a verb. To hint at something to a mortal is to give someone a clue (pista) or tip, or to

About what are you musing

About what are you musing?

To muse (reflexionar/meditar/rumiar/contemplar) on or about something is to think carefully about it. You can also “muse over” something: it means the same. Examine these:

A terrible tragedy?

A terrible tragedy?

News organisations, including the BBC and Sky News, often refer to horrible events as a “terrible tragedy”. This is a mistake and suggests that the

Put and putt

Put and putt

Do you play golf? Then perhaps you often “putt” the golf ball. A putt – golpe corto – is a gentle or careful hitting of

Principal and principle

Principal and principle

These words sound similar, yet they are different. First, “principal”. A principal can be a headmaster (director de una escuela) of a school or college.

Plaintive and plantiff

Plaintive and plantiff

These two words sound almost the same, and are different. A plaintiff (demandante) is someone who goes to a court with a complaint. Two examples:

I and me

I and me

Some mortals are confused by these two words, especially the Americans. However, the matter is simple. “I” (yo) is a subject pronoun and “me” is



If a room, or area is very full of things or mortals, one can say that it is “chock-a-block”. Here are the origins of the

If I were he

If I were he…

How many times have you heard this phrase “if I were him”. Perhaps many times, and it is possible that you think it is correct

Do not be cowed

Do not be cowed

You may know the word “cow”. “Cowed” is different with no connection to cow. To be cowed means to be frightened and intimidated. If someone

A red herring

A red herring

“Herrings” (arenques) you may know. There are 3 species of herring, and one is known as the “Atlantic Herring” and is fished in the waters

Significado Rifle


Rifle you will know: the word is the same in Spanish (rifle, fusil). It is a long barrelled gun. However, there are other uses. If

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