Blog para aprender inglés online

Si quisiera mejorar o aprender inglés, este blog podría ser su ayudante.

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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What is afoot?

«Afoot» has two meanings. It means to walk. An example: How are you going to get to the meeting with Mr. Sanchez? Afoot. Other ways


What is your livelihood?

This question is similar to ”what do you do for a living, or how do you earn your living”? In Spanish you might say: ¿cómo


Do you snarl?

Dog snarl (gruñen). Lions snarl. And so do mortals. Sometimes they “snarl at” somebody (gruñen a alguien), People sometimes say something with a snarl (la

onus is

The onus is upon you

“Onus” is a noun and it is similar to responsibility. The word collocates with “on” or “upon” as is “onus on” and “onus upon”. These



“Flag” (bandera) you will know as that which countries have. There is also a “flag of truce” (bandera blanca). Perhaps you know that a flag


A snake in the grass

Snake you may know (serpiente). There are many dangerous snakes in many countries, and in Parliaments too. There is a saying (dicho): “there is a


Do you sanitize your hands?

With the Covid 19 virus sanitation (la higiene) is important. We use sanitary towels (higiénico de sanidad). There is also the verb “sanitize” (sanear). We

Mulled wine

Mulled wine?

“Mulled wine” (ponche) is a type of drink that is often heated to which spices are added (calentar con species). If you have been to


Are you a dresser?

To dress (vestir) you will know. “Dresser” is a noun and has three uses. Contemplate the following. It can be a piece of furniture that

That or who

That or who?

Sometimes, people make mistakes using “that” when referring to specific persons. The general rule is that is used to refer to any persons and not


To be bonkers

If someone is bonkers (esta chalado/esta como una cabra), he is crazy. An idea can be bonkers (stupid). Some examples: The party´s economic policy is


Are you a comer?

“Comer” is not the same as in Spanish. The word is a noun, and one use is to refer to a mortal who arrives somewhere.

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