Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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What a trek!

A “trek” (caminata) you may know. Trek is a verb and a noun. As a verb, here is an example: * Every week I trek


Don´t go overboard!

“Overboard” (por la borda) is a nautical word. Sometimes mortals “fall overboard (caen al agua), that is, they “fall over” the side of the ship



If a mortal were to say “sit down”, he is giving you an instruction, or should the mortal say “please sit down” he is being


Don´t give me hassle

“Hassle” is a verb and a noun.  Something is a hassle if it is troublesome (difícil) or problematic (problemático) to do. Somethings can be hassle


A spanner in the works?

“Spanner” (llave inglesa) you may know. It is an adjustable tool for turning bolts. In English there is also a “box spanner” (llave tubo) which

Hen´s teeth

Hen´s teeth

A hen (gallina, hembra) you may know. Do hens have teeth? No – they have beaks (picos). There is an expression or saying “as rare


Do you want to double-check it?

“Double-check” is a compound verb. Perhaps you are preparing your annual tax return (declaración fiscal) and you think it is reasonable to “double-check” it in


Are you being taken for a ride?

“Ride” you may know. Here are some easy and common uses: A bike ride (paseo en bicicleta) or to go for a ride on a

life a beach

Is life a beach?

“Beach” and “life” you know. So, when is life a beach? When someone uses this expression, the mortal is saying that life is wonderful. Last


Sole for lunch?

“Sole” is a noun and an adjective. First, as an adjective. Some companies are the “sole importer” (importador exclusivo) of products. Politicians in Spain have

in the loop

Are you in the loop?

A loop you may know. Sometimes Mr. Sanchez walks a loop (…da una vuelta alrededor…) around his palace, La Moncloa. Or you could say he


At whose behest?

“Behest” (mandato, orden) is a noun, and generally means “at the request or order of”.  The structure typically is “at the behest of” or“ it

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