Blog para aprender inglés online

Si quisiera mejorar o aprender inglés, este blog podría ser su ayudante.

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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Are you a buffoon?

I hope not. A buffoon (payaso/bufón) is a very stupid person. “Buffonery” (bufonería), the noun, refers to the activity of buffoons.


Is there a frog in your throat?

“Frog” (rana) you may know. You may have eaten “frogs legs” (ancas de rana) on a trip to France. So, is there a frog in


A drubbing

There is a verb “to drub” (apalear), which means to beat with a stick.


Is it legit?

“Legit” is colloquial, and should only be used in informal conversations, or better avoided if you wish to speak well. The word is in use


Cheaper prices?

“Cheaper prices” is an error. You may have seen such a phrase many times. “The prices in this shop this week are cheap” – this


Are you a peddler?

Perhaps. Who knows (¿quién sabe)? A peddler (vendedor ambulante) is a travelling salesperson, someone who sells things from the streets. In some cities in Tenerife


Is your name double-barrelled?

Guns and cannons sometimes have two barrels (de dos cañones). So, Mr. Putin enjoys shooting and owns a double-barrelled rifle. Some mortals, especially in England,


Is your house listed?

“List” (lista) you know. It is also a verb and the verb collocation is to “make a list”, “prepare a list”, or “write a list”.

Ducks and drakes

Have you played ducks and drakes?

Duck (pato) you may know. A drake (pato macho) is a male duck. Sometimes ducks and drakes fly very close to the surface of lake wate


Are you sometimes fickle?

To be fickle (inconstante, veleidoso, voluble) is to be inconsistent, unreliable or capricious (caprichoso). The noun is fickleness. Examine these examples: • Mr. Podemos is


Are you a grafter?

A “grafter” is a hard worker (persona trabajadora). A task can be “hard graft” (mucho trabajo).

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