Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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A chocolate cone for you?

“Cone” (cono) in maths and “traffic cone” (cono señalizador) you may know. A road can be “coned off” (cerrado con conos). There is also a


What is for supper?

“Supper” is similar to evening meal (cena). So, what is for supper? = ¿Qué hay de cena hoy? Sometimes mortals may “stay for supper” (se


The virtues of brevity

Brevity (brevedad) is a good quality for writers and speakers. Another word for the same is “conciseness” (concisión). Here are some great and important sentences


Is Mr. Sánchez all at sea?

Sea (mar) you know. Sailors often spend 2 years at sea (dos años navigando), often in “high seas” (en alta mar) or in “rough seas”


Have you been narked?

“To be narked” (estar cabreado) is to be upset or annoyed. An example: • Mr. Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister, got really narked when he


Are you sometimes quixotic?

Perhaps. To be quixotic (quijotesco) means to be unrealistic or impractical. Someone could say that you are a wishful thinker. Here are some examples: Mr.


A bronze medal

The Olympics are under way, and some mortals have won bronze medals. Bronze = bronce. So some persons are bronze medallists (medalleras de bronce). There


Are you a sage?

A “sage” (sabio) is a wise person. “Sage” is also an adjective. An example: Ricardo is very sage: this means that he is very wise.


Do you use limpet adjectives?

Perhaps you have, but beware of the error. First, the word limpet (lapa). It is a shell fish and many mortals enjoy limpets served with


Wishful thinking?

“Wish” (deseo) you may know. “Wishful” is the adjective. Mortals often are wishful, that is, they are wishful to do something (están deseoso de hacer



“Notwithstanding” is a preposition. In Spanish, similar words or phrases are “a pesar de” or “no obstante”. Some examples to help you: • Notwithstanding the


Have you been a gooseberry?

A “gooseberry” (grosella o espinosa) you may know. Gooseberries are a very healthy fruit. Gooseberries grow on a gooseberry bush (grosella o espinoso). However, sometimes

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