Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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Do you know a myrmidon?

Do you know a myrmidon?

Perhaps. The word is similar in Spanish (mirmidón), and it refers to a person or mortals who blindly (ciegamente) or unquestioningly (incondicionalmente) follow orders. Examine

How do you fill a void?

How do you fill a void?

A “void” is a type of emptyness (vacío) and we sometimes try to fill a void (…llenar el hueco o vacio). The void is similar


Has someone cooked your goose?

“Goose” (ganso) you may know. The plural is “geese”. A roasted goose is a dish that British people have on special occasions such as Christmas.

Have you ever been a mug?

Have you ever been a mug?

I hope not. Sometimes mortals drink tea or coffee from a mug (un tazón que es más alto que ancho). A mug is different from

Are you sometimes wan?

Are you sometimes wan?

“Wan” (pálido, tenue) is an adjective and it can refer to your complexión or face or your general feeling. How art thou today? “I am


Are you sometimes oblique?

Perhaps. “Oblique” (oblicuo) has many uses and meanings. The noun is “obliqueness” (oblicuidad) and the adverb is “obliquely”. First, a medical use for those of



“Afresh” is an adverb and perhaps the closest is Spanish is “de nuevo” or “otra vez”. Sometimes mortals decide to do things afresh (volver a



“Cat” and “copy” you may know. A copycat (imitador) is a person who mimics (imita) another mortal, or who copies material prepared or written by

Small beer

Small beer

A “small beer” – una cerveza pequeña – is perhaps something that you drink sometimes. However, if a person is “a small beer” (de poca


A pre-prandial?

Before lunch or dinner do you sometimes have a drink? Perhaps. That drink is a pre-prandial or an aperitif (aperitivo), a drink that mortals have


Have you been a gatecrasher?

“Gate” you will know. A gate can be made of wood or metal (verja), and there are gates (barreras) in fields. If you have flown


Furred-up kettle?

“Fur” (pelaje, pelo) you may know. Many animals have fur. There are other uses with this word. Some mortals, in colder climes (climas) wear “fur

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