Is life full of hotchpotches?

What is a hotchpotch (mezcolanza, batiburrillo)?

A hotchpotch is a confusing or uncoordinated (descoordinado) mixture of things or mortals (mortales). Another phrase that means the same is “mixed bag”.

Contemplate these examples.

  • The ballet performance was a hotchpotch (= mixed bag) of different styles and composers (compositores).
  • The policies of the government are a hotchpotch of half-formed policies and ideas (…una mezcolanza de políticas e ideas incompletas).
  • From the president we always have a hotchpotch of vague statements (…declaraciones vagas).
    A hotchpotch is also a type of stew (estofado), a mixture of many ingredients (meat, fish, vegetables) and originates from Scotland.

So, sometimes mortals have hotchpotch for lunch, and preside over (preside) a hotchpotch of policies. What do you opine?


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