

Always” is an adverb. Adverbs usually go before the verb. Study these examples:

  • Mr. Sanchez always drinks champagne for breakfast.
  • Mr. Rivera always seems confused.

If the verb is “to be”, then the rule changes – the adverb follows the verb. Examine these:

  • Alejandro is always defending (defendiendo) Brexit.
  • Mr. Trump is always angry.
  • Mr. Rivera is always complaining.

If the verb is compound (compuesto) then, unlike Spanish, it goes between the compound verbs, as in these examples:

  • Mr. Sanchez has always confused duty to the country and loyalty to PSOE.
  • I will always remember

However, the significance of “always” can change depending on its position in the sentence.

If you would like to emphasize something or make a stronger point (hacer ver o comprender que…) put it at the end of the sentence.

Yes, we are breaking the rules a little. Here the “always” is stronger in meaning, whereas (mientras que) the above examples are descriptions only. In Spanish you might use the double-negative (not allowed in English) to make the emphasis.

  • I will remember you always.
  • Mr. Sanchez is confused always.
  • Mr. Rivera is complaining always (Señor Rivera siempre está quejándose).

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