Has someone ruffled your feathers?

Feather (pluma) and feathers you may know.

What about “ruffled”? To ruffle (agitar, rizar) something is to move it in a certain way. Sometimes mortals ruffle (erizan) their hair, and ruffle (arrugan) the bedclothes (ropa de cama).

There are some expressions that use “ruffle”.
Politicians sometimes “ruffle people´s feathers” (agitan las susceptibilidades de la gente), that is, politicians annoy or irritate people. Then someone has to smooth the person´s feathers (alguien tiene que alisar las plumas erizadas), that is to calm the person down (calmar, tranquilizar).

Two examples:
• Mr. Trump, the USA presidential candidaté for the Republicans, often ruffles the feathers of the Democrats.

• Mr. Morales often (a menudo) has to smooth the feathers of the players when his football team loses a match.

So, have you ever ruffled someone´s feathers? Probably!


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