
“Faith” (fe) you may know, the context being religion.

There are other uses: examine what follows.

  • A mortal can have faith in (…fe en) a person. This is similar to trust or confidence (confianza). For example, some people have faith in Mr. Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister. Note the collocation: faith in.
  • Mortals voted for Mr. Sanchez in good faith (…de buena fe):
  • There is a phrase: a leap of faith. Voting for Mr. Sanchez required a leap of faith
  • (… requirió fe ciega). “To leap” also means saltar.
  • Mr. Sanchez has acted in bad faith (…ha actuado de mala fe).
  • People have faith in Caixa bank (…tiene la fe en…)

In whom (con quien…) do you have faith)? Or are you faithless (infidente)?


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