To hanker (anhelar) is to have a strong desire for, or yearn for, something. The origins of the word come from Dutch in the 1600´s, from the word “hunkeren”.
The verb hanker can be followed by “after”, “for” and to (do something). The noun is “hankering” (anhelo).
Contemplate these examples:
- Many mortals hanker for fame (…anhelan fama).
- Gilberto has been hankering (…ha estado anhelando…) after his homeland (patria).
- Whatever we do not have, we hanker for (…lo deseamos).
- Some people hanker for the last century.
- Glorimar has a hankering (anhelo) for a Porsche, and she hankers to drive it to Patagonia.
So, what do you hanker after? A fairer and just world? The end of the aggression by Russia towards Ukraine?