

The word “fool” (tonto/a, idiota) you may know. It is similar to “idiot”. People can “act the fool” or “play the fool” (hacer el tonto, o hacer payasadas), and you can “make a fool of someone” (poner a alguien en ridículo). A fool can also be a “jester”, a “bufón”.

You can also “send someone on a fool´s errand”, that is, enviar a alguien a una misión inútil.

Let´s study the idioms and proverbs using the word “fool”. Here are some examples:

  • Mr. Sánchez is living in a fool´s paradise (…está viviendo de ilusiones o en una planeta que no existe).
  • A fool and his money are soon parted (a los tontos no les dura el dinero).
  • Fools rush in where angels fear to tread (la ignorancia es osada).
  • There is no fool like an old fool (la cabeza blanca y el seso por venir).
  • Mr. Rajoy is nobody´s fool (Señor Rajoy no tiene un pelo de tonto).

Someone can be “foolhardy” (imprudente, insensate).

“Fool” is also a noun. You can eat a fool for lunch – a type of English dish or dessert, a “puré de frutas con nata” (cream).


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