Are you sometimes pauciloquent?


Perhaps. Pauciloquent is an adjective and it is similar to laconic (lacónica/o in Spanish). The word is an adjective that refers to a mortal that uses few words to express a point of view. Laconic is the same as pauciloquent.

The adjective can be negative or positive. Someone who says very few words may not say enough about the issue and therefore is laconic or pauciloquent.

On the other hand, a person who uses a few and well chosen words to express something well can also be pauciloquent or laconic.

There is a rule in English: if you can say something in a few words do so: too many words may not be necessary and may confuse people. So five words are better than twenty.

Two examples.

  • Mr. Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister, gives speeches which are always so long. Why cannot he be pauciloquent or laconic? Why cannot he give short speeches? Why are they so long-winded (prolijo o interminable)?
  • In the Cambridge English speaking exams being laconic or pauciloquent is an advantage if your words be rich in content (…ricas en contenido).So saying that Mr. Podemos lives in a “hovel” (casuca/casucha) is better than saying that he lives in “a house that is in terrible condition”. One word is better than six. So being pauciloquent is positive here.

So, the message is: choose your words wisely (sabiamente o prudentemente) and keep the sentences as short as possible.


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