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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

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Explain something to me please

The verb explain is used when we would like make something clear or easy to understand, by describing or giving information about it (para aclarar,


To botch something

To botch (chafallar) something is to do a bad job, and a person who does a bad job is a “botcher”, that is, an incompetent


Court, courtroom or courthouse?

Courthouse and courtroom are “Americanisms” (americanismos). You may have heard these two words on American films or police dramas. British English is different. The English



“Always” is an adverb. Adverbs usually go before the verb. Study these examples: Mr. Sanchez always drinks champagne for breakfast. Mr. Rivera always seems confused.



Pink is a colour (rosa) and it is sometimes used to describe your cheeks – pink cheeks (sonrosados). However, this article concerns “pink” as an

Janus words

Janus words

A Janus word is two-faced (de dos caras), that is, a word that has opposite meanings. Strange is it not? A little history: the word


Playing by the rules?

Some adjectives and adverbs do not play by the rules (no acatan las normas). The English play by the rules (of course), but we make


Likes – Its declensions

For a review of the basic use of like – and its common mistakes. Now we examine its declensions. First, as a noun. There six



“Afford” has the following uses: to have the money to pay for something, to spare (escatimar) something, to risk (something) or to provide something, to


Do you opine…?

Yes you do. To “opine” (opinar) is to give, hold or express an opinion. It is a transitive verb and hence (por lo tanto) it

Seem and appear

Seem and appear

In English we use seem (parecer) and appear to give information about something that may be true. There are two sentence structures you can use:

First and Firstly

First and Firstly

First is an adjective and “firstly” is an adverb (and the same can be said for “secondly”, etc.). Adverbs say something about a verb. Here

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