Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

Significado en Inglés de

Utiliza el buscador para encontrar un artículo en concreto

Me or I

Me or I?

These words are horribly confused by English speakers, including educated native speakers (los hablantes nativos). First, the rules. “I” is a subject pronoun (as is


Are you guilty of pleonasms?

Many English people are guilty of pleonasms (culpable de pleonasmos). There is a golden rule in English that says keep it simple so that every


Is that cricket?

“Cricket” (críquet) you may know. It is an English game, and the players are called cricketers.  It is also a small animal (grillo) and crickets



An inch (pulgada) is a British measurement which is the same as 2.54 centimetres. There are 12 inches in a foot, and there are three



“Bell” you may know. There are church bells (campanas), door bells (timbres), bells for cows (cencerros) and goats,  and if you are a sailor there


Do you have a knack for something?

A “knack” could be a skill, a mannerism (manierismo), or an innate (innato) skill. Consider these sentences: Mr. Corbyn does not have the knack for



“Chicken” you may well know. The word is used in some interesting idioms (modismos). Examine these: For Mr. Sanchez, 100 million euros is “chicken feed”.


Ought to

“Ought” is a modal verb, and it has the same meaning as “should”. It can be used to express a moral obligation or desirability, and


New Year Resolutions?

It is an English custom or habit to “make New Year resolutions” (buenos propósitos para el Año Nuevo), that is, making a commitment to do



“Thereby” is an adverb and it is similar to “de ese modo” or “así. Let´s look at some examples: Morales has fled to Monaco, thereby


Grasp the nettle!

“Nettle” (ortiga) you may know. If you touch, hold or grasp a nettle, you will get a “nettle rash” or a “sting” (picadura de ortiga).



“Frost” (escarcha) you may know, especially if you have been in Northern Europe in autumn, winter and spring. A weather forecast during those seasons will

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