Blog para aprender inglés online

Si quisiera mejorar o aprender inglés, este blog podría ser su ayudante.

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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Have you ever been sailing? Do you sometimes go sailing (hacer vela)? Sailing can be a sport or a hobby (pasatiempo), and many moons ago


Furloughs for many

Many people are “on furlough” this month, in many European countries. A “furlough” is a period of time away from work – it can be


How art thou? Just chugging along

Steam trains “chug” (resoplan), and an engine in a car or tractor can chug (traquetear). A chug is a short, dull and perhaps slightly explosive


Are you in the loop?

A “loop” can mean many things.  First, as a noun. There could be a loop (curva) in a road, in a river (meandro) or in



“Lemon” (limón) you will know. You may have made the drink “lemonade” at home. Here our interest is with the expressions using lemon. The word


Are you a meddler?

“To meddle” is to interfere (entremeterse o estorbar) with something) or to tamper with something. The context is usually negative. Contemplate these: Who asked you


Are you middling?

Perhaps. If you be asked “how are you?” one response could be “middling, thank you”. Middling here means “regular”, or you could say “fair to


Are you a bigwig?

Perhaps. “Wig” (peluca) you may know. A bigwig is an important person, and in Spanish you might use “pez gordo”. A similar expression in English


Have you seen a folly?

“Folly” has two uses. A folly (locura o desatino) can be a stupid thing. The base of the word is “fool”. A folly (disparate) can


Involved in a holdup?

Have you ever been involved in a holdup? The answer is yes. “Holdup” has 3 uses. It can be a robbery (robo) often using guns,



“Fishy” is an adjective, and you will know the word “fish”. Click here to review the article about fish. A fish can smell fishy (a

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