Blog para aprender inglés online

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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“Scot” you may know. A Scot (escocés) is a person who is Scottish (escocés). The male is a Scotsman (escoces) and the female is a


Are you dogged?

You have probably been “dogged” in your life. If you descibe a mortal as “dogged” (tenaz, porfiado) you are saying that he is determined to


Are you debonair?

A debonair (persona gallarda, o alegre) person is usually elegant in the way he dresses. This is usually combined with a cheerful (alegre) and courteous


What is comorbidity?

We are learning more medical vocabulary as a result of the Covid 19 virus. The concept of “comorbidity” (la comorbilidad) is often mentioned in the



Ducks “quack” (graznido) or make the sound “quack-quack (cuac cuac). This is the noun. The word “quack” (graznar) is also a verb. An example: the


What nettles you?

“Nettle” (ortiga) you may know. There are many types of nettle, and some mortals drink “nettle tea” (té de ortiga) for its health benefits. People


Don´t inflate his ego

“Inflate” (hinchar) you will know. Mortals sometimes inflate (hinchar) balloons with air (hinchan con aire). Prices sometimes inflate or go up, producing inflation (provocando la


An atom of common sense

“Atom” (átomo) you may know. It has figurative (figurativo) uses too. Contemplate these: There is not an atom of truth in what Mr. Putin says

After and afterwards

After and afterwards

These two words are often confused. They are not interchangeable (intercambiable). Examine these: I will see you afterwards. “Afterwards” does not have a complement nor


Are you on the cusp of doing something?

“Cusp” translates as “cúspide” and “umbral”. The word comes from Latin (cuspis). To be on the “cusp of” doing something means that you are at


Are you sometimes blithe?

“Blithe” is an adjective and it means unconcerned (despreocupado). It can also mean “carefree” (risueno) or “light-hearted” or a very casual attitude. Some examples: Do

chew the cud

Do you often chew the cud?

Cows “chew the cud”. The cud (bolo alimentico) is chewed (rumiando) as part of a cow´s eating habits. Mortals (mortales) often “chew the cud”. This

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