Do you sometimes quibble?


Do you sometimes quibble?

Perhaps. To “quibble over” something is to raise objections that are trivial (hacer objeciones de poca monta). Here are some examples of its use as a verb:

  • Mr. Sánchez always quibbles (Señor Sánchez es un quisquilloso).
  • He always quibbles about something (el siempre discute por algo sin importancia).
  • Mr. Rajoy is not going to quibble over 1 million euros (el Señor Rajoy no va a discutir por 1,000,000 euros).

The noun is “quibble”. A quibble is a trivial objection (una objeción de poca monta). Consider these:

  • Mr. Rajoy dismissed their objections as mere quibbles (… desestimó sus objeciones como si se trataran de simples nimiedades).
  • I have one minor quibble (tengo una pequeña objeción).

There is also another noun, a person, “a quibbler” (quisquilloso/a), a person that quibbles all the time.

So a person who quibbles has a quibble and therefore is a quibbler. Are you one?


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