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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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“Different” (distinto, diferente) you will know. However, many unthinking minds (muchas mentes irreflexivas) abound (abundan) and make stupid mistakes with this word. Perhaps you have


By a whisker

“Whisker” you may know. Cats have whiskers (bigotes), as do many animals. Cats use their whiskers to feel their way around. Some men have whiskers,


New Year Resolutions?

You will know that it is customary for many mortals to make New Year Resolutions (Buenos propósitos de Año Nuevo). You know the common list:


Are you a squirrel sometimes?

“Squirrel” (ardilla) you may know. Squirrels store nuts for their winter food. Humans also store things for future use, so in that sense we are


To be bedevilled

“To be bedevilled by” is to have a lot of persistent (persistente) problems at the same time. The verb is bedevil. Consider these examples: The


Have you ever erred?

Perhaps! The writer of this article has erred many times: he is a mere mortal (mero mortal). To “err” is to make a mistake, to


Are you sometimes detached?

“Detached” has the verb “detach” (separar, despegar) as its base, and the noun is “detachment”.  Houses can be detached, as in a “detached house” (independiente).


More tautologies – III

Do not be guilty of using tautologies. Using them may confuse your listener or reader. Using tautologies will suggest that you do not understand the


More tautologies

Examine these: The prices of houses in England are falling down. “To fall” means to go down, so to use “falling down” is for unthinking


Tautological Phrases

Tautologies (las tautologías) are to be avoided because they demonstrate unthinking minds (las mentes irreflexivas), and show that you do not understand the meaning of


Sorted or sorted out?

It is election time in Great Britain and the political parties are announcing their plans.  Mr. Corbyn, the Labour Party leader, has said (on 31/10/19)


A deadlock

A “deadlock” (punto muerto, impasse) is a position where people cannot proceed (avanzar) with something or cannot make decisions because of disagreement. Some examples: The

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