A gauge (calibrador) is an instrument that measures things. Captains and pilots in the cockpit (cabina) check many gauges during a flight. Railway tracks have a gauge (ancho), and guns have gauges (calibres).
Here the focus is on gauge as a verb. It is similar to “medir”, “estimar” or “juzgar” in Spanish. Contemplate these examples:
- Mr. Sanchez cannot gauge the severity of the situation (…no puede reconocer la gravedad de la situación). This means he is unable to understand how serious things are.
- The Popular Party in Galicia has gauged the right moment (…ha elegido el momento oportuno…) for the regional elections.
- Mr. Podemos does not know how to gauge (…no sabe reconocer…) the feelings of the business community.
- I can only gauge the distance (solo puedo medir la distancia al ojo).
So what is your gauge on the situation in Spain?