“Door” (puerta) you may know. This article introduces some idioms that use “door”. Consider these examples:
- We should close the door on this matter. To close a door means stop debating the subject – in Spanish you could say “deberíamos cerrar la puerta a la cuestión”.
- Meeting Mr. Rajoy opened the door to success for me (el encuentro con el Señor Rajoy me abrió la puerta al exito).
- You can “lay the blame at someone´s door”. Here is an example: I am going to lay the blame for the terrible economy at Zapatero´s door (voy an echar la culpa de la economía terrible a Zapatero).
There is a figurative use as in “showing someone the door” (echar a alguien). You could say that someone was “sacked” (el despedido) or was “shown the door”.
Now a proverb, which is similar in Spanish: “as one door shuts, another opens” (cuando una puerta se cierra, otra se abre).